Simple Text MYLIST Export Format - ChangeLog Version: 0.72 - 9.26.2016 (C) 2016 by aaabbb ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.72 - 9.26.2016 - Export fixed global_filecount and global_bytecount to not double count files with relationships. Added global_filecount_raw which has the expected number of MYLIST entries in the export. 0.71 - 9.25.2016 - Replaced data_ep_is_rel with data_file_ep_is_rel and added related episode comment to non-primary episode MYLIST entries to allow the local client to identify them in the case of a file with multiple fractional episodes. 0.7 - 9.24.2016 - Updated with data_ep_is_rel so that related episode information only displays one, with the primary episode MYLIST entry. This avoids having duplicate related episode information with each related episode's MYLIST entry. - For multiple episode files, the export system was fixed so that they are now working properly. - Note: The anime count and episode counts in the export header should match the numbers on the AniDB My Place/userlist My List summary. Because related episodes are reported as additional MYLIST fields in the export, the file count and byte size numbers in the header will be larger than the My List summary numbers on your User Page. Once the extra related episode items are subtracted out of the header totals, the counts should match. 0.6 - 9.10.2015 - Added example export results - Updated the header episode count to report all episodes instead of just normal episodes. - Updated the header byte count to use both the condensed and raw byte formats. - Updated the other field to report the my list other field instead of reporting the file comment. - Note: for multiple episode files, the related episodes are intended to be returned as additional MYLIST entries so that a client can obtain the AID information. However, this is not completely working at the present time. Currently, not all related episodes are included in the MYLIST entries. All of the primary episodes (the ones that the UDP API MYLIST command returns for a given LID) are included. However, a large number of the extra episodes from multiple episode files are not returned by the export. This is being further investigated by AniDB staff. - Note: The anime count and episode counts in the export header should match the numbers on the AniDB My Place/userlist My List summary. Because related episodes are reported as additional MYLIST fields in the export, the file count and byte size numbers in the header will be larger than the My List summary numbers. Once the extra related episode items are subtracted out of the header totals, the counts should match. 0.5 - 9.5.2015 - Raw times are now supported by the server. - The duplicate EID/AID issue seems to really be that all episodes of a multiple episode file are included in the export, which is different from how the current UDP API MYLIST command behaves. - Added related episode information to add in sorting out the multiple episode files - Added additional general My List statistics: anime, ep and byte counts. 0.4 - 10.19.2010 - Experimental: not for public use. - Added raw times for list date and view date. Note: raw times won't work until the next server code update. - Some problems with duplicate episode IDs were found and are being investigated. 0.3 - 10.02.2010 - Experimental: not for public use. - Fixed filestate. - Reformatted comments for easier client parsing and error checking. - SDK returns duplicate results, but server seems OK. - Still needs raw times. 0.2 - 9.30.2010 - Experimental: not for public use. - Removed loop on groups, switched to data_file_group_id instead. - SDK shows duplicate entries, not sure about server. - Still needs raw times. 0.1 - 9.17.2010 - Experimental: not for public use. - Initial revision. Does not have raw times (dates) yet. - May have a group ID problem.