Template: html-fstyle - ChangeLog Version: 0.9.8 - 01.01.2008 (C) 2003-2008 by fahrenheit Get new versions here: http://forum.anidb.net/viewtopic.php?t=2517 SVN: http://dev.anidb.info/websvn/listing.php?repname=AniDB+CSS&path=/trunk/export/html-fstyle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.9.8 - 01.01.2008 - Fixed the votes page, wasn't working - Fixed the type of envolvment for anime producers - Fixed some icons - Added more stuff to the search page (only missing search by year and cattegories) 0.9.7 - 20.11.2007 - Mylist Search page working draft (still misses some search functions) - Added a new icon for the anime listings, anime type (OVA, TV, Movie, etc) - more bug fixes 0.9.6 - 14.10.2007 - Small bug fixes - Preferences page (though some options aren't supported) 0.9.5 - 22.09.2007 - Wishlist page done (currently filters out and expands the mylist page filters, but can be used independently) - MyVotes shares code with mylist 0.9.4 - 15.09.2007 - MyVotes and User Statistics pages done 0.9.3 - 13.09.2007 - basework almost complete (only missing file relations) - mylist page now expands episodes of a given anime and respective files - episode info page now also shows episode files 0.9.2 - 11.09.2007 - Detailed File and Episode pages done. - updated the css's to those available at the date 0.9.1 - 09.09.2007 - Completed changes into the SDK, information available is now correct. 0.9 - 05.09.2007 - Added files to Anime XML (stable, but not complete, i think) - Anime description now gets it's html string parsed to DOM (thank innerHTML) - File list available with some information about each file (not all, the PERL needs some changes before that :P) - Episode icons now showing. 0.8 - 30.07.2007 - Anime XML stable (i.e. complete) - Anime page up to eplist done (just missing the episode icons currently) - Anime page layout isn't the same as in the anidb version, but should never the less offer the same kind of functionality - pics for animes can be added in the pics directory under the name iXXX.jpg (where XXX is the anime id) - pics for awards can be added in the pics directory under the name aXXX.jpg (where XXX is the award id) 0.7 - 25.07.2007 - Anime XML partly done (up to episode table) - Anime information on anime page done 0.6 - 18.07.2007 - Mylist done, sorting needs to improve though - jumplist done, as in, maximum number of pages shown in the jumplist is 5 - filter by state, type, status, letter and text implemented v0.5 - 06.07.2007 - Mylist functional - Possible filters: letter, state, status, type - Paging supported, jump to page supported (needs a bit more work to support long lists without clutering) - fstyle.css takes care of most of the basic changes needed for a normal anidb css stylesheet to work with the template - Initial pseudo-template support (possible extension of collumns supported) - Needs sorting abilities and in mylist search of titles ability to have a full mylist page 0.4 - 02.07.2007 - SVN release 0.1 - 24.05.2006 - Initial release (testing only)